HOW TO LOSE FAT It's important to recognize that your weight isn't the issue - It's a by-product of your own choices and decisions. (more)...
BECOMING AN ATHLETE Get yourself on the right track! IEM offers a very unique opportunity to help you excel in your respective sport. You see, not only are we nutritionists, but we are also competitive athletes. (more)...
BODYBUILDING Bodybuilding is a very unique sport. First, it challenges the athlete to resistance train with the goal of sculpting an aesthetically pleasing and balanced physique. Second, it challenges the athlete to achieve hyper-low percentage (more)...
YOUR HEALTH If you could sell your health, what kind of price tag would you attach to it? Hopefully your answer is, "No amount of money!" Next to your soul, we can't think of (more)...
SETTING GOALS Whether it's for weight control, athletics or regaining your health, IEM has a seven step process to help you reach your goals. Here's an (more)...
SELF CHANGE Our team at IEM has studied human eating behavior for a number of years. We can often explain your behavior in ways that can enlighten you and show you how change can be a positive experience. However, you need to understand that change (more)...
WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? The motivation to change begins with you. However, our team is extensively trained in the psychology of motivation to spur you onward toward your goals. We never use negative motivation! You will only get positive reinforcement from (more)...
COPING SKILLS When you hear the phrase "coping skills," it may conjure up in your mind the normal images and rhetoric that you typically hear from nutritionists. For example, when you say, "I use food for comfort," you generally hear (more)...