Our Commitment
We want you to know that you are an integral part of the IEM experience. We need your participation in order to help you. We want your input.
Open communication is the key to our understanding exactly what you want to get out of your program. We pride ourselves on combining information with motivation. In order to do that, we need your trust and input. We respect your need for privacy:
◾ Like any professional service, what you share and discuss with your nutritionist stays between the two of you.
◾ Your files cannot leave our possession without written authorization from you and we refuse to discuss your information with
anybody unauthorized by you.
◾ In addition, we will not sell our mailing list to anybody, period.
◾ Our commitment goes beyond privacy and communication; we really want you to benefit from what we have to offer.
◾ We want you to realize your full potential and get the most out of life.
Some questions you may want to ask yourself if you struggle with your weight or a health problem, are "in what way does my problem stop me from living my life to the fullest?"
◾ Do you enjoy shopping for clothes anymore?
◾ Do you spend hours in your closet trying to find something to wear, feeling frustrated because nothing fits?
◾ Have you begun isolating yourself from others and not going out as much? Do you feel less confident?
We want you to know that feeling bad about yourself isn't a normal way to live and that we are committed to helping you feel what so many other people have discovered, it feels great to take care of yourself when you like feeling and looking good!
We want you to know that you are an integral part of the IEM experience. We need your participation in order to help you. We want your input.
Open communication is the key to our understanding exactly what you want to get out of your program. We pride ourselves on combining information with motivation. In order to do that, we need your trust and input. We respect your need for privacy:
◾ Like any professional service, what you share and discuss with your nutritionist stays between the two of you.
◾ Your files cannot leave our possession without written authorization from you and we refuse to discuss your information with
anybody unauthorized by you.
◾ In addition, we will not sell our mailing list to anybody, period.
◾ Our commitment goes beyond privacy and communication; we really want you to benefit from what we have to offer.
◾ We want you to realize your full potential and get the most out of life.
Some questions you may want to ask yourself if you struggle with your weight or a health problem, are "in what way does my problem stop me from living my life to the fullest?"
◾ Do you enjoy shopping for clothes anymore?
◾ Do you spend hours in your closet trying to find something to wear, feeling frustrated because nothing fits?
◾ Have you begun isolating yourself from others and not going out as much? Do you feel less confident?
We want you to know that feeling bad about yourself isn't a normal way to live and that we are committed to helping you feel what so many other people have discovered, it feels great to take care of yourself when you like feeling and looking good!
Before you set up your first appointment, we want you to know that we expect a commitment from you.
If you are serious about changing, understand that the process of change is a journey, not an overnight trip. Everyone changes at different rates. Some like to change one thing at a time, others prefer to change a lot of things at all at once. Regardless, give yourself time to change and commit to doing it! Make the decision before you come in that you will devote yourself to sticking with it. In the beginning, many people consider skipping an appointment if they haven't done well on their plan. What they don't understand is that we do our best work when you are struggling. In fact, the most important time to see us is when things aren't going well because then we can focus on what you need to learn so that stressful situations and food can be managed. Don't deceive yourself by engaging in thoughts like "I'll go in when I'm back on track."
If you've ever said "I'll start my diet on Monday," you are in a mode of self deception. People say that to make themselves feel better but are actually just engaging in self-deception. You will feel better but you are actually pretending to see what you will be doing, instead of what you are doing at that moment. Let's " get real".
What you should be saying is "I'm going to see how fat I can get by Monday!" When you know you have to stop eating badly by Monday, the thought occurs to you that you better eat as much food as you can get your hands on before you have to stop. We can help you break the cycle but we want a commitment that you'll show for every appointment you make. Give a 24 hour notice if you cannot make it, and commit to seeing us for four sessions.
Before you set up your first appointment, we want you to know that we expect a commitment from you.
If you are serious about changing, understand that the process of change is a journey, not an overnight trip. Everyone changes at different rates. Some like to change one thing at a time, others prefer to change a lot of things at all at once. Regardless, give yourself time to change and commit to doing it! Make the decision before you come in that you will devote yourself to sticking with it. In the beginning, many people consider skipping an appointment if they haven't done well on their plan. What they don't understand is that we do our best work when you are struggling. In fact, the most important time to see us is when things aren't going well because then we can focus on what you need to learn so that stressful situations and food can be managed. Don't deceive yourself by engaging in thoughts like "I'll go in when I'm back on track."
If you've ever said "I'll start my diet on Monday," you are in a mode of self deception. People say that to make themselves feel better but are actually just engaging in self-deception. You will feel better but you are actually pretending to see what you will be doing, instead of what you are doing at that moment. Let's " get real".
What you should be saying is "I'm going to see how fat I can get by Monday!" When you know you have to stop eating badly by Monday, the thought occurs to you that you better eat as much food as you can get your hands on before you have to stop. We can help you break the cycle but we want a commitment that you'll show for every appointment you make. Give a 24 hour notice if you cannot make it, and commit to seeing us for four sessions.