WEIGHT CONTROL FOR A YOUNG AMERICA - BOOK (Downloadable/ Print Friendly - PDF file) Price: $22.00
This 146 page guide gives you the power to teach your children how to grow up eating healthy:
◾ Teaches lifelong healthy food habits. ◾ Teaches you how to identify quality foods over sub-par nutritional selections. ◾ Generally increase your awareness of important subjects that make you healthy for life. The best way to reduce obesity in America is to start with our children. Overweight children grow into overweight adults. Obesity is usually a family affair, because kids tend to copy their parents’ eating habits as well as their lifestyle. Fortunately, the road to better health and weight control is quite simple. If we can teach our kids to eat better and become more active, many of the hardships they would otherwise face in the future from being overweight can be alleviated. Weight Control for a Young America is dedicated to every child and parent who desires to embark on a lifetime of sound nutrition and good health. Now there is solid proof that heart disease begins early in life but may not show up until years later. What your child eats today will have a definite impact on his or her health tomorrow. This book has been written for all parents, not just those with overweight kids, and it will show you how to prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol or triglyceride levels and keep your kids healthy. Prevention is the best way to circumvent future problems. Don’t wait until your son or daughter has a health or weight problem to start on a program that will improve the quality of his or her life. |
AUDIO BOOK (Downloadable - MP3 files) Price: $29.99
Welcome to an exciting new way to change your health, weight and even your life.
If you have ever struggled with your weight, you must realize that it is a mental dilemma more than anything else. Losing weight isn't the hard part of the process. Keeping it off as well as recovering from lapses are far more difficult. The Shift is the result of 24 years and countless hours of counseling people on how to overcome their problems by altering the ways they view them. Overwhelmingly, the vast number of clients who have come to The Institute of Eating Management and Relapse Prevention Center were chronic dieters. After using the techniques contained within The Shift, they discovered by changing the way they think about food they were finally able to change their bodies. The power is within you! You simply have to know how to make your thoughts work for you instead of against you. What is holding you back? Have you ever wondered why you stopped eating right, exercising and losing weight even though it made you feel better about yourself? Perhaps you've always known that deep down, your thoughts were playing a huge role in your failure, but you never knew how to go about changing them. The power of how you think cannot be overlooked in your effort to change any aspect of your life. This is especially true when it comes to your health. |
BOOK (Downloadable/ Print Friendly - PDF file) PRICE: $19.99
This 90 page guide reveals startling information on the:
◾ Best ways to increase your metabolism. ◾ Ways to achieve optimum performance and endurance. ◾ Generally increase your awareness of important subjects that make you healthy for life. You'll learn how to combine calories, protein, carbohydrates & fats - to maximize your performance potential, identify and overcome obstacles, and make more empowered nutrition decisions. |
COOKBOOK (Downloadable/ Print Friendly - PDF file) PRICE: $19.99
Recipes for healthy living!
This 135 page guide reveals startling information on the: Details: The Healthy Chef is a nutritious eating guide, with hundreds of great tasting recipes and nutrition profiles. Some of these great recipes include: ◾ Strawberry Pancakes ◾ Cinnamon Frittatas ◾ Chicken Tenders ◾ Turkey Sausage Patties ◾ Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies ◾ ...and many more! |