How to Lose Fat
It's important to recognize that your weight isn't the issue - It's a by-product of your own choices and decisions.
People that focus solely on the amount of weight they lose as the measurement for how well they are doing are setting themselves up for a psychological letdown and relapse. If at any point in the program the weight loss stops or slows, they see their attempt as a failure and consequently give up trying. By focusing only on their weight, they fail to see all the other changes that have taken place. That's why we keep our clients focused on their choices and lifestyle decisions. If you are making better choices by adopting and focusing on lifestyle changes, the weight will take care of itself. If your weight goes up, you can immediately focus on what choices caused it and decide what you want to do to correct the problem. Always keep in mind that small changes over the course of time will yield huge results. The solutions for losing weight are vastly different for each person. Regardless, fixing the problem revolves around identifying the problem. In many cases, what holds you back in the process of self change isn't often what you think it is. You may think you lack: ◾ Willpower ◾ Discipline ◾ Motivation or simply feel too lazy to change Time and time again we discover what holds people back more than anything is an underlying sense that change is more of a hassle than not changing. Have you ever said, "I know what to do, I just don't do it?" Have you ever had a professional explain why? Think about it this way, all human behavior is motivated by the desire to move toward pleasure and away from pain. Another way of saying that is to replace the words pain and pleasure with comfort and uncomfortable. You see, when you make a statement like that what you are really saying is, "Although I am uncomfortable with my weight and the way I look, what I have to do to lose the weight is more uncomfortable." In other words, you mean I have to cook and carry food and start going to the gym too? I don't have time for all that!" Our clinicians are trained to show you how to alter behavior without making it more stressful. We are trained in understanding where you are within the scope of changing and direct your efforts to the areas you feel you can change first. Some do better by changing one thing at a time; others like to overhaul many things at one time. It's important to realize that every problem has a solution. Do you know yours? Let us help you find the right solutions and show you how to reverse your problem in a more enlightened way. |